

Health (Reproductive Health) (Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, HIV/AIDs Tuberculosis, Malaria)

1. Sensitization to Uniformed Personnel on HIV/AIDs by Katsina State Agency for the Control of Aids (KATSACA) (2006)

We provided awareness creation sensitization program to 500 uniformed personnel on prevention of HIV/AIDs in Katsina State.

2. Community Tuberculosis Case Finding by Health Alive Foundation (2006-2009)

We undertook the community TB case finding project as sub-recipient of the funds and was tasked with coordinating 25 CBOs across 25 LGAs in Katsina State

3. Home Base Care for Vulnerable Children Affected and Infected by HIV/Aids by Institute of Human Virology Nigeria (IHVN) (2009-2014)

This project focused on home-based care to children that are under 15years affected or infected by HIV\AIDs which covered 1000 children in Batagarawa and Katsina LGAs of Katsina State. We undertook counselling and referral to over 1000 persons and psychological, legal, and economic support were also provided to affected vulnerable children.

4. Counseling, testing and referrals to Commercial Sex Workers by Songhai Health Trust (2013)

We undertook counselling, testing and referrals on HIV\Aids To 150 Commercial Sex Workers in Hirji Community (A border village between Nigeria and Niger Republic).

5. Strengthening and Improving Maternal and Child Health Services at Primary Health Centers in 3 LGAs of Batagarawa, Kankia and Kafur by Health Reform Foundation (2013-2019)

The project focused on advocating for improved health services at PHCs, this included forming a mothers’ forum at community and state level that will ensure collective women voices in pushing for reforms that improve MCH services at PHCs. Also, a state-wide joint advocacy with media and other CSOs was undertaken which was targeting individuals and institutions aimed at domesticating the National Health Act 2014 and implementation of the Primary Health Under One Roof [PHCUOR] which was achieved.

6. Increasing Demand and Community Participation in Maternal, Neo-Natal and Child Health Service as (MNCH2/PALLADIUM) (2013-2017)

We undertook quarterly administering of community score card on services at Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and the strengthening of community facility health committees in Kaita, Mani, Bindawa, Kankia and Katsina LGAs of Katsina State.

7. Strengthening Advocacy and Civic Engagement (SACE) by USAID/CHEMONICS (2014-2019)

SACE serve as a platform for community members, local government authorities and service providers to conduct a monthly meeting and share ideas, discuss challenges, and collectively decide on the best possible solutions on improve services and increase access to Maternal and Child Health at Primary Health Centres across Daura LGA.

Other health related activities include:

8. Drafting of the Blueprint for the Formation of the National Youth Network on HIV/AIDS (UNFPA) (2002)
9. Launching of the National Youth Network on HIV/AIDs (UNFPA) (2003)
10. Partnership With Organisaton of Persons Living With HIV/AIDS in Counselling and Referrals to Health Institutions Across Katsina State (2005)
11. Awareness Creation and Referrals to over 2500 Out of School Youth on HIV/AIDs (National Agency for the Control of AIDs (NACA)) (2006)
12. Awareness Creation and Referrals to Women on VVF At Babbar Ruga Hospital (United Nations Fund on Population (UNFPDA)) (2012)
13. Active TB Case House to House Findings in Communities Across Daura LGA (Health Alive Foundation (HAF)) (2012-2014)
14. Monitoring and Awareness on Open Defecation in 2 LGAs of Maiadua/Kaita Covering 1500 Communities (Partners for Development/UNICEF (2017-2019)

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